Eden Alone Surpasses Thee

Jarred by the loss of his closest friend, a farmer on Tasmania's remote West Coast begins to mentor at-risk local youth. In an area renowned for its poverty, low literacy and high suicide rates, Stafford Heres is determined to provide opportunities for kids who have few. Eden Alone Surpasses Thee explores his relationship with the land, loss and the young men he takes under his wing.

20min Doc

Dir/Prod: Tom Chapman

Created for: GRIT – Tasmanian Spirit on Screen

Winner - ‘Best Short Documentary’, Australian International Documentary Conference 2023

Winner - ‘Gold’ Australian Cinematography Society Awards Victoria 2022

Winner - ‘Best Direction in a Short Documentary’, Australian Directors Guild Awards 2023

“Eden Alone Surpasses Thee is a compelling and thought-provoking piece of cinema. The filmmakers have done a beautiful job of portraying the struggles of young men with empathy and compassion. Through intimate and striking cinematography, they have crafted a thoughtful film that tackles a complex topic, demonstrating that communication can play an essential role in the healing process. Eden Alone Surpasses Thee is a powerful and necessary film that all should see” – Jury statement, AIDC.